Adsense Optimization Tips for Beginners

Adsense can give significant income if you know how to optimize your pages with in-depth content.

Adsense Ad Placement Tips
Where and how you present your adsense ads also has a significant impact on CTR and revenue you generate.

# Place an image ad towards the top of the page. It can be just below, above or by the side of page headline. The last one proves to be more efficient. Many bloggers place ads just above their posts. I don't place ads like that. (It is not either possible with Beta Blogger). Taking the ad to above blog title is OK.

# Put a wide format Ad (a big square) at the base of an article or a blog post or at the end of comments.

# Adsense tip for forum publishers. Put a leaderboard between first post of a thread and its first reply. Leaderboard usually performs well between forum posts.

# Many Adsense experts suggest placing a wide skyscrapper towards the right of page, probably near the scroll bar. They say it increases chances for better CTR.

Adsense Color Combination

The two main types of Adsense ad formating are merge-in and stand-out. Merge-in ads that gives the feel of very much part of the page has better chances of getting clicks than stand out types.

# Match border and bg color of Google ad to the color of its immediate surroundings.It is OK to make the text and url in the ad appearing as part of your page. But never hide ad elements like text or url by matching them against the background. Such cases will not be left unnoticed and you will find the text and url standing out soon.

# When trying to place your ad as stand out one, make sure you create a separate field (like a table box). Make the color of the box, ad border and ad bg the same, but different from the surroundings. Putting the Adsense ad in a box, just bigger than the ad usually looks good on a page.

Optimizing Content for Adsense

# Sorry to start with the obselete - use the main keyword and its variations in a descriptive manner. Dont ever compromise the flow of reading with induction of keywords. The point is to fill your website with lot of content pages.

# Use keywords in sub titles using 'H', 'B' or 'STRONG' tags. Include at least three such headlines with descriptive
keywords/key phrases.

# Link to at least three content pages. The target pages can be from your own website or blog, but has content on quickly identifiable topic. The anchor text also has target keyword.

# Try Adsense Section Targeting
Here a section of your content is ear marked for Google to consider for serving ads. See Google Adsense Section Targeting instructions for details.

More Adsense tips from other websites and blogs

Blog Adsense optimization tips at Adsense official blog

Adsense optimization with PubRevenue

Labnol's advice on Adsense optimization

Hope it is beneficial for you readers.

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